The Benefits of Mummy Makeovers

If you’re considering undergoing a mummy makeover, there are several factors to consider. These factors can help you determine whether or not this is right for you. You’ll also be able to find out about the cost and recovery time. In addition, you’ll learn about the benefits of mummy makeovers.

Physical and health-related benefits

A mummy makeover offers several physical and health-related benefits. The breast size and shape correction performed by a plastic surgeon can decrease physical discomfort during certain activities. The procedure can also help improve posture and reduce pain in the back and neck. After childbirth, you may be able to get back into shape and begin to feel confident again.

mummy makeover AdelaideThe recovery period following can last for six weeks or more. Patients are generally advised to refrain from heavy lifting and vigorous exercise for four to six weeks after surgery. It would be best to avoid smoking during this period, as this can affect circulation and delay healing.

Having a mummy makeover is a great way to improve a woman’s confidence and sex life. Sex is important to women, as it relieves stress and increases serotonin levels. However, a mom’s sex life may have changed significantly after childbirth. In addition, changes in appearance and hormone levels can affect a woman’s sex drive. Luckily, there are now options for mummy makeover surgery that can correct this.

Mummy makeover procedures can also improve a woman’s facial appearance. Injectable dermal fillers and minimally invasive cosmetic surgery techniques can smooth out marionette lines, nasolabial folds, and other areas of facial aging. Fat transfer to the face can also restore volume in cheeks, tear troughs, and other areas.

A mummy makeover Adelaide can address multiple aesthetic concerns, such as deflated breasts, loose skin, and stretched musculature. In addition, the procedure can address stretch marks, C-section scars, and a stretchy tummy. Unfortunately, these problems are difficult to improve, so many women opt for a mummy makeover procedure. It’s an excellent way to regain your former self.

Before having a mummy makeover, you must ensure you’re in good physical and psychological shape. A mummy makeover is a major undertaking, so you’ll need help for the first few weeks, and lifting heavy objects is not recommended. It would be best if you also were sure you don’t plan to have more children during this time. Also, if you have a history of pregnancy or other health conditions, consult your physician to learn about any potential risks associated with the procedure. And if you’re a smoker, you should stop smoking at least six weeks before the operation. Smoking can also slow down the healing process.


The cost of mummy makeover surgery varies across Australia and Melbourne. It largely depends on the surgeon you choose, the location of your operation, and the quality of the breast implants used. If you’re considering undergoing a mummy makeover, you must get a consultation first to determine your exact price range.

The cost of mummy makeover surgery is important when choosing a surgeon since not all surgeons have the same experience and training. Choosing a surgeon who isn’t certified may increase your risks, and a less experienced surgeon may not provide the results you are looking for. Also, it’s important to know that the final cost of the procedure will include the cost of an anaesthetist and hospital fees. Depending on your specific needs and circumstances, Medicare may also offer a partial rebate on mummy makeover surgeries.

While the cost of a mummy makeover varies from woman to woman, several common surgical procedures are included in the total price. Liposuction is one of the most popular procedures, and it can contour the abdomen, flanks, hips, thighs, buttocks, and more. The average cost of this procedure is around $17,000 to $22,000, but you should remember that it varies based on your surgeon, location, and surgical facility.

A mummy makeover includes several surgical procedures to restore the body to its pre-childbearing condition. These procedures include breast augmentation, breast lift, tummy tuck, liposuction, and vaginal rejuvenation. Each procedure can be performed separately or in combination with another.

The surgery itself takes about three to five hours. A board-certified plastic surgeon performs it, and the patient will receive a general anaesthetic and be monitored throughout the procedure. Recovery time may be up to four weeks. So you’ll need to avoid heavy lifting for three to six weeks.

Recovery time

The recovery time after mummy makeover surgery varies according to the type of surgery performed. However, most patients must take at least two weeks off work following the procedure. They should also avoid strenuous physical activity for the first seven to 10 days following the surgery. Dr Chiddy will closely monitor patients during recovery, and they should also follow all postoperative instructions.

The surgery is generally performed under general anaesthesia, so a person must stay overnight in the hospital. During this time, they are not allowed to drive. A family member or friend must accompany them. They should also have someone to care for their children while recovering. It is important to allow yourself ample time to heal.