What Can a Speech Therapy Service Do For You?

Speech therapy is often employed to assist individuals with communication disorders such as aphasia, dysarthria and other difficulties restricting speaking.

speech therapy service AdelaideA speech-language pathologist (SLP) can teach you the most effective methods for treating these conditions. They specialise in helping those with stroke, cancer that damaged vocal cords, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), dementia and traumatic brain injury.


An evaluation at a speech therapy service Adelaide involves assessing and analysing a child’s communication skills. It could include their capacity for producing sounds or words, understanding what others say, remembering information, and using language appropriately. Additionally, recommendations may be made for treatment that includes activities the child can work on at home to hone these abilities further.

If your child receives speech therapy service Adelaide, a speech-language pathologist, or another licensed professional in language and speech will complete an evaluation process. Your therapist will consider your medical and developmental history, conduct interviews with your child, review previous treatments and assessments, and set goals for therapy sessions.

The evaluation process can take up to two hours and is usually completed in the office. Following their findings and treatment recommendations, the therapist will provide you with a report and weekly appointments to discuss progress. If your child requires ongoing support, these appointments will occur regularly throughout their journey towards recovery.

During the evaluation process, your child’s speech therapist will review the evaluation results and answer any queries you have about the diagnosis or treatment plan. They can also explain how treatment will proceed and address any questions about payment arrangements.

A speech-language evaluation may be necessary due to a health condition or developmental delays, such as stroke, brain injury, dementia, head and neck cancer and progressive neurological diseases that impact one’s speech and language abilities.


Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) provide therapeutic services for people with language disorders. These healthcare professionals hold a master’s degree and are duly licensed by their state.

They may use various techniques to enhance your child’s communication abilities. Furthermore, they specialise in working with adults with language or swallowing issues.

Some speech therapy service Adelaide address aphasia caused by brain damage. This condition makes speaking, hearing, reading, writing, or responding to social situations difficult. Aphasia typically follows a stroke or other brain injury but may also occur with Parkinson’s disease and other medical issues.

Aphasia can make communication challenging for your child in various contexts, such as school, home or with friends. It can be a severe issue and significantly impact their quality of life.

Treatment for aphasia typically entails a combination of different therapies. It could include teaching your child to regulate their breathing so they don’t stutter while speaking, practising words at a slower rate, and giving them exercises that strengthen their mouth and tongue.

Some children with speech or language disorders must attend a specialised class, and their SLP may also work one-on-one at home. This type of speech-language therapy has been successful for most kids suffering from these issues.


Speech therapy services can assist with a range of communication difficulties. They specialise in working with children with difficulty speaking, language disorders or reading problems, adults suffering from cognitive-communication disorders and speaking or swallowing difficulties.

They can also assist with alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) if you cannot use your voice. It includes writing, drawing, or using symbols as means of communicating.

Children may find AAC an effective tool for communicating with others and staying connected to classmates. It could also serve as a teaching aid in academics or learning settings.


Speech therapy can benefit children and adults with language disorders, hearing problems, and swallowing difficulties. Treatment usually occurs one-on-one or in a group setting and lasts several months to years.

The initial step in diagnosing speech-language pathology is screening. It may be recommended by your healthcare provider and may include a hearing test or other physical tests. If the screening results pass, the therapist can work with you and your child to identify what might be causing the issue.

You may refer yourself or a family member to a speech therapist at your local hospital, medical centre, or health department. SLPs are licensed and certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).